Building Your Own Platform to Increase Brand Visibility 

Getting in front of your target audience is critical for building awareness of your brand. But often, entrepreneurs struggle with gaining visibility, especially when first starting out. Takisha Williams, a webinar and business strategist, shares three effective methods for increasing your visibility so you can connect with more of your ideal clients.

Speak on Stages

One of the best ways to establish yourself as an authority is by speaking on stages, whether virtual summits and webinars or in-person events and conferences. This gives you access to an engaged audience interested in learning from experts. To get speaking opportunities, create assets like a speaker one-sheet with your headshot, bio, talk topics, and testimonials. Start pitching podcasts, virtual summit hosts, and event organizers to be a speaker on their platform. Use each appearance to share value and direct people to learn more about you.

Get on Podcasts

Podcasts are amazing for growing your reach. Seek out shows your audience listens to and pitch the host to be a guest. When you get booked, make the most of it by sharing helpful advice and telling compelling stories. Make sure to have a strong call-to-action so listeners know where to find you after. Repurpose the content by uploading it to your own podcast or platforms. This generates more visibility from your appearance. 

Build Your Own Platform

Don’t just rely on being booked externally. Create your own stages that establish you as a leader. Host live or automated webinars, launch a podcast, facilitate a virtual summit, coordinate a challenge—anything that enables you to speak directly to your audience. Promote these to generate leads and brand awareness. When you run your own events, you control the messaging and get positioned as the expert. People will pay more attention to you and your knowledge.

Increasing your visibility is about consistently showing up on stages and channels where you can add value for your audience. Use a multi-pronged approach, leverage opportunities both on external platforms and your own. Stay visible and keep connecting with more of the people you’re meant to serve.







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